November 26, 2015

Since It's Thanksgiving

Even though I haven't been feeling grateful for anything lately, I want to change that if only for a day. And what better day than Thanksgiving? Here's what I'm truly thankful for:

1. Lolo made it out of the hospital after several weeks' confinement.

2. Related to #1: Though it's pretty heavy on the pocket, I still manage to pay off my debts for his hospitalization. I didn't need to resort to extreme measures, and I will always be grateful for that.

3. Bunbun, my wonderful boyfriend who is amazingly patient and understanding when I'm being a selfish brat. He is there for me through all my highs and lows.

4. The Best Friend, who just "gets" me. There's not a lot of people who can do that. My inadequacies aren't quite so glaring through his eyes.

5. Bru, one of my closest friends from college, who indulges my pointless rants and is forever supportive of me. She has grown into a strong woman and I couldn't be happier for her.

6. My best friend from work, who has truly challenged the way I see myself and others. His trust and love mean more to me than words can express.

7. The Squad from work. Incredible fun to be had when we're all together. And they didn't think any less of me when I was devastated about Phoebe passing away.

8. Team 2PM, who make me look forward to lunch because I know we're going to go nuts along Ayala Avenue, laughing about disgusting things at the top of our lungs. #shameless

This has not been the best year for me (to be honest, I absolutely despised 2015) but at least I didn't have to go through it by myself. 


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